Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Tugas Autobiography

Name : Rama Istandi Putri
Class  : 3TC

My name is Rama Istandi Putri. I was born in 1995. I am 19 years old. I live with my mom, father and my brother. My hobbies are listening to music, travelling and shopping. I started school in 2000. I went to kindergarten. My kindergarten was not far from my home. So at that time, my mother took me to my kindergarten with a bicycle. My kindergarten’s name was Bina Putra. But I don’t know it is already change or not. But when I was in kindergarten it names is Bina Putra. I had many closer friends but I just remembered Siska. We were so close. My mother and Siska’s mom were so close too but we separated when we were in elementary school.
My elementary school’s name is elementary school number 1 Kenten Laut and now it is already change to elementary school number 2 Talang Kelapa In elementary school, I followed scout. My group even became a champion. At that time, I was being a leader of this group. It was a very wonderful experience.
Then in 2007, I was in junior high school. My junior high school’s name is junior high school number 41 Palembang. At that time, I followed scout and several of competitions. We were a champion for competition of scout in city level in 2008. At first, I thought we could not get a cup but the fact we got grand champion.
In 2010, I was in senior high school. My senior high school’s name is senior high school number 14 Palembang. When I was senior high school student, I did not follow extracurricular because I want to focus with my school. At first, I followed calisthenics for 2 months but at last, I stopped. Calisthenics is one of my favorite sport and it’s fun for me but I even stopped. Calisthenics practice on Sunday and school started on Monday to Saturday. I thought I was quite tiring and no time for rest. So I stopped.
In 2013, I went to college and studied about telecommunication. My college’s name is Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. I have new friends in here but my class is too quite. At first, the students were 24 and now it is only 15 but it’s ok they are very kind to me. I did lots of jobs in 2013 until now and in 2015, I still study in my collage. I hope that I can do my job smoothly.

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